As part of virtual mobility students of the University of Lodz can participate in the courses offered by Koc University in the summer semester 2022/2023. Registration is possible until 27 January.


International virtual mobility is a great opportunity to:

  • do a part of your studies at a foreign university without travelling,
  • cooperate with students from other countries online,
  • choose a course in line with one’s interests,
  • obtain ECTS credits which can be recognised during the course of study. 

Detailed information on the recruitment at Koc University

How to take part in the UNIC Opened Courses?

  • visit the website;
  • from the "Semester" tab (in the left navigation) select "spring/summer semester 2023";
  • familiarise yourself with the courses offer;
  • check the details of selected courses such as participation conditions, course requirements and registration deadline;
  • select the course that you would like to take part in; 
  • register with the partner university;
  • send an e-mail to: unic@uni.lodz.pl containing information about the selected courses;
  • you will receive a return e-mail with detailed information, it will be necessary to sign a Learning Agreement to be able to recognise the study effects obtained at a foreign university.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: unic@uni.lodz.pl 

More information about UNIC and the alliance.

Source: International Hub, Universoty of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre